Get Steinberg Cubase Elements and the Helix Native Plug-in free with every Line 6 Helix!

If you're already planning to pick up a Line 6 Helix, Helix LT or Helix Rack, then the deal just got sweeter than ever. Get your new gear any time between the 14th of September, 2021 and the 24th of February, 2022, register it on the Line 6 website, and you'll get Steinberg Cubase Elements and the Helix Native Plug-in absolutely free of charge!
The Helix Recording Bundle with Cubase Elements & Helix Native
The Line 6 Helix Guitar Processor is still one of the most advanced modellers in the known universe, and when you add the Helix Native plug-in, things get even more ridiculous, since this little slice of software gives you direct, physical access to the sounds of your DAW - ripping open a fair few sonic dimensions to play around in. The full preset compatibility gives you the power to switch seamlessly between hardware and software, so you can transform your DAW into a Helix, or load the sounds from the Helix Native plug-in into your hardware processor. You can even use your Helix hardware to remotely control your DAW, opening up masses of recording and performance potential. The seemingly simple addition of a little plug-in really has managed to flip and change the game - again!
Terms & Conditions:
Offer period: 14th September, 2021 up to and including 24th February, 2022
included gear: Helix, Helix LT and Helix Rack
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